Top 3 Compostable Nespresso Pods

The Mr has recently given up coffee (unless it’s in a martini of some sort) and so I say hoorah, more for me!!! Cutting back on the black stuff is not an option for this blogger and I am now a long term convert to Nespresso. Over the last year I’ve been trying to move over to the compostable pods to avoid having a stack of gently mouldering spent units sitting in my kitchen for weeks on end and also, you know, The Environment.
Most compostable pods should go into your food bin rather than to a garden compost heap as they take significant temperature to get going, but if you do hot compost or have a very slowly filling bin you can always try them in your garden compost.
I should add that Nespresso offer free returns and recycling of their brand aluminium pods, so hoorah for them too. Single use plastic compatible type pods are a non stop suckfest and tend to be cruddy coffee too so please, if you do nothing else for the planet this year, please buy absolutely none of these.

Anyway here goes, my top three Nespresso compatible compostables, let me know if you try any!

Image from Dualit website

The Budget Winner- Dualit.
I discovered these pods on a large scale yellow bannered online retail site, where you can score 80 pods for a mere £20 (with free delivery if you’re one of those Prime people). Alternatively buy direct from Dualit here where a 60 pack starts from £13. Bar. Gain.
Their Indian Monsoon blend is my favourite, a dark roast with a noticeable cocoa finish but try their lungo and decaf too.
These come packaged in foil packs of 8 pods inside a larger box, so you can be comfortable ordering a large quantity like this without concern for them remaining fresh.

Image from Eden Project Shop Website

The Eco Winner- Eden Project.
The Eden Project is an amazing day out to learn about, and indeed visit, different ecosystems and the peril they are facing in modern times. They are of course closed in the current pandemic but you don’t have to get yourself to Cornwall to enjoy their smashing coffee, available in bean, ground and compostable pod form, single origin and fair trade. I personally like the Guatemalan single origin but they also have a very easy drinking americano and punchy Italian espresso variety.
So head to their website (or google other suppliers) and you will find all kinds of sustainable produce available to buy from lip balm to colouring books- the other food & drink offerings are well worth your online shopping time.

Image from

The Super Hip- Grind.
Yeah, you think you’re cool but are you organic-better-than-fairtrade-soil-assocciation-certified-plastic-free-hanging-out-in-Shoreditch cool?!?!?!!?
Readers, I give you Grind, a small chain of industrial-chic coffee bars that roast their own high spec coffee that is all of the cool things I just mentioned. Starting from a repurposed mobile phone shop a decade ago, Grind can now meet your every coffee-based need regardless of how far you live from one of their big smoke establishments. They do mail order, they do beans, they do accessories and yes, yes they still do takeouts if you’re over that way too. I’m looking forwards to a brunch sitting if we ever get out of lockdown.
I was nudged towards Grind by the older male sibling and yes, stand by for the fanfare, he was right and I am now a true believer. I particularly enjoy their ‘black blend’, made to be taken straight up as the coffee gods intended. It’s a smooth, easy drinking coffee with plenty of kick. The house blend has a bit more depth and nuttier tones and is also very nice indeed, with or without cow juice. Decaf is available if you’re One Of Those.
Have a look at their website to wade through their options of letterbox friendly or larger deliveries and storage tins and if you’re feeling extravagant maybe even a whole new coffee machine! I am a big fan of their letterbox friendly parcels in particular as they don’t confuse my postman and come in 100% recyclable packaging from the pod to the delivery box. Bravo.
Discounts are to be had if you subscribe to a regular delivery and they will send you a free tin and reeeeally cheap first order if you check them out before the end of January.
Finally, very cute pink branding. We heart you, Grind.

Please note I have had no freebies or incentives for this fluff piece, it is entirely my own fluff!

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